

大学盈余运作是其中的一部分 资产会计 财务主任办公室下属的部门. 盈余 manages the auction, sale and disposal of university assets that are no longer in active use. 如果您对目前正在使用的资产有任何疑问,请联系 资产会计. 如果您有任何问题没有回答以上链接页面,请发送电子邮件至 surplus@wolaipei.com.


截至12月, 2014, UI部门, 国家机构, 政府机构和学区, 现在可以在线查看剩余物品吗. This allows these groups first chance at buying any interested item outright at its estimated value, 在公开拍卖之前. 如果你对这个机会感兴趣,请发邮件到 surplus@wolaipei.com 了解如何成为预览会员. 请注意: 这不是私人购买. 这只适用于UI部门、州机构、政府实体和学区. 在拍卖之前,需要一个预算号码或采购订单来进行这些采购. 私人实体仍然必须对出现在公共盈余拍卖网站上的物品进行竞标. 一般办公用品, 家具, 而设备一般不在本网站列出, 但可以在剩余商店9a查看和购买.m. - 3 p.m. 星期五.

校园盈余是所有国有盈余项目的法定储存库. Items sent to 校园盈余 are transferred via 资产会计 to the 校园盈余 Inventory, 以便这些物品可以合法出售或处置. 目前, 校园盈余商业计划的一部分是偿还部分销售收益, 根据销售价格, 使用滑动刻度返回到原始部门. 因为从拍卖网站收到付款的时间滞后, 人力资源有限,无法处理报销, departments should expect a 3 – 6 month delay in receiving any reimbursement back from 校园盈余. 如果您对此有任何疑问,请联系 校园盈余.

因为我们关于剩余销售项目的新商业模式, 还有大量来自校园部门的物品和材料, 我们仓库的存储空间已变得极其有限. 我们的流程试图尽可能快地将商品移动到销售队列中. 因为最近各个部门都要求将商品从销售队列中“保留”出来, 关于该项目的进一步审议正在进行中, we have found it necessary to assess a storage fee for any item on “hold” for longer than three (3) months. 立即开始, all items on “hold” status for longer than three (3) months will be accessed a $10/month storage fee to the department’s budget number that was used to transfer the item to the 校园盈余 inventory in the first place. 为了避免这笔费用, 各院系在向校园盈余发送项目时,应取得完全一致的意见. If a department wishes to come down and reclaim and item or hire CNA (City North American) to return the item back to the department, 这也是完全可以接受的. This will require the department to contact 资产会计 again to have the item moved from the 校园盈余 Inventory Budget, 回到部门预算的问题上来.

校园盈余 promotes UI sustainability efforts by keeping as many state owned items as possible from entering the waste stream.  通过在我们的每周销售或通过公共盈余网站转售这些物品, 我们每年避免了大量被丢弃的材料.  而我们的回收及盈余业务则是用这种方式产生的收入来资助的, 我们也部分报销部门较高价值的物品,因为他们出售.  All items with a value exceeding $300 are reimbursed at a % of the value that exceeds the $300 threshold.  见下面的费率表.

售价$301 - $500

  • 返还给部门的金额:40%

$501 - $2,000销售价格

  • 返还给部门的金额:50%

售价$2,001 - $10,000

  • 返还给部门的金额:75%


  • 返还部门金额:90%


任何物品被视为标称价值的, 而且不能卖, 校园盈余 will recycle as many of these items as possible to keep them out of the waste stream.

此比例尺取代10月10日之前的所有比例尺. 23, 2012.

Keep any found items in the department main office for one week before sending to University of Idaho Lost and Found.

一周后请完成 一般盈余申请 请填好你所知道的关于这件丢失物品的所有信息. 联系电话和姓名至关重要,以防丢失物品出现问题.



所有的财产是可用的部门365滚球官网, 其他联邦, 状态, 和地方政府机构, 以及符合资格的非营利组织,一直到公开销售. 公众,包括学生, staff and faculty at the University of Idaho are able to buy from University of Idaho 盈余 at Pre-priced sales, 密封投标销售, 公共盈余只能在网上销售.

所有财产按现状提供,不提供任何担保或担保. 买方有责任确定财产的状况. 如有可能,工作人员会协助提供有关物业的资料.

我们不为购买的物品提供存储. 所有物品必须在销售日期结束前从仓库中取出. 如果可能的话,工作人员会帮助您装载您购买的物品.


  • 小物品:从货架上拿下来,放到柜台上.
  • 大件物品:取下物品上的标签,并将其带到柜台.

在你付了钱之后, please show the receipt to one of our staff for help with retrieval and loading of your purchase. 请通过我们的结帐系统将所有购买组合在一起进行一次旅行.

Pricing for non-auction used items for sale at 校园盈余 are based on fair market value of state owned property. Pricing is adjusted as needed to fulfill state regulations concerning transparency of sales; equal pricing strategies for both public entities and private citizens; and best return of revenue for state owned property. Pricing can vary from 20-80% of new cost for a similar item based on factors such as market availability, 材料质量, 条件, 和需求. Fair market pricing is determined using available information from various auction and sales websites; various pricing guidelines and blue book authorities available; and other regional surplus dealers.

Tied sealed bids will be resolved through the use of a random selection drawn by our sales application and only the winning bidder will be notified.
Payment can be made with cash, Visa Card, MasterCard, Discover Card, personal checks up to $1,000. 超过$1的项目,000 will be held with a 10% deposit; payment in full is to be made the following day by cashier's check or cash.

The University of Idaho reserves the right to sell the merchandise to any public agency prior to the closing of the sale and may remove any property offered from the sale at any time before and during sale hours.

U of I departments surplusing materials or equipment are responsible for notifying 盈余 of any 联邦出口管制限制 这可能适用于盈余项目. Departments with questions or concerns about export control restrictions on an item should contact the 伊利诺伊大学出口管制分析师 在把物品送到盈余处之前,先寻求协助. The Export Controls Analyst will coordinate with Department and 盈余 staff to ensure items are sold in a manner that conforms with the export control regulations.

所有实验室设备必须按照365滚球官网的政策进行清洁和检查. University 盈余 will not accept any lab equipment without the Laboratory Equipment Decontamination Certification Form attached to the equipment that is being delivered. The purpose of the procedure is to maintain a safe environment for those picking up laboratory equipment as well as the 盈余 staff who will be accepting the equipment.

如果来自实验室的物品到达时没有上面提到的证明表格, the item will not be accepted at the 盈余 and will be returned to the department at the sending departments’ cost.

The University of Idaho is taking steps to ensure the proper storage and destruction of sensitive and personal material from computers, 硬盘驱动器和电子设备. 确保这些信息得到保护, university departments will be required to send their electronic equipment containing either hard drives or information storage capabilities to their local IT support team. It is the responsibility of each department's local IT support team to make sure either data is erased or is removed in accordance with IT standards. 请使用这个 服务请求链接 开始你的电子设备盈余的过程. 出售剩余物品的商店s will no longer accept any computers or electronics that may contain sensitive or personal information unless it has been properly processed and approved to be surplused by the department's IT support team. 剩余仓库只接受指定的IT人员提供的经批准的电子物品. 如果您有任何疑问,请联系您当地的IT支持团队或剩余商店.


875周界博士. MS2281


电子邮件: surplus@wolaipei.com
