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第6街和雷伯恩街的拐角处 营业厅- 2楼

莫斯科,ID 83844-2008



电子邮件: theatre@wolaipei.com

网络: 戏剧艺术系



Alexa Lamers, Joseph Winder and Katharine Sonas in "溺水的欧菲莉亚"
亚历克莎·拉默斯,约瑟夫·温德和凯蒂·索娜斯在《365滚球官网》中.大卫·哈兰(David Harlan)拍摄.


性和暴力永远都是戏剧作品的一部分. Think Shakespeare’s bloody “Titus Andronicus” with the rape and mutilation of Lavinia, the hand-to-hand combat in “麦克白” or the final climatic fencing match in “Hamlet.就连音乐剧《365滚球官网》也是如此,灵感来自《365滚球官网》, 把故事挂在帮派对抗和青少年爱情上.

但是当战斗场景, 剑斗和拳斗都是精心布置的, often with the help of a fight choreographer when it comes to scenes involving intimacy and sex — from kissing to a simulated rape — actors have often been left on their own to figure it out. 这可能会导致问题.


不过这种情况正在改变, thanks to intimacy direction which was virtually non-existent until a few years ago. And it is much more than simply making actors relaxed within awkward scenes.

也叫亲密辅导, 实践带来了同意, 边界的练习, technical language and structure to staging scenes that by their very nature can be highly uncomfortable to discuss, 更不用说表现了.

“It’s our job to make stage magic seem truthful and at the same time safe for the artists involved,” 凯利Quinnett他是表演部门的负责人 365滚球官网 部门 戏剧艺术.

很长一段时间, these intensely intimate moments weren’t given careful attention…the pressure was primarily on the actors to make it work.凯利·奎尼特教授

“很长一段时间, these intensely intimate moments weren't given careful attention. Perhaps out of discomfort or embarrassment, the pressure was primarily on the actors to make it work. Intimacy direction is directing scenes with consideration for the actors in a scene. 比如舞台战斗, 他们得到了明确的指示, 所以每一刻都是精心设计的, 这种编排在整个制作过程中都是可重复的.”

Quinnett was introduced to intimacy direction two years ago at the 肯尼迪中心美国大学戏剧节 (KCACTF),她在那里参加了劳拉·里卡德(Laura Rikard)教授的讲习班, a co-founder of Theatrical Intimacy Education and a theatre professor at University of South Carolina Upstate.

这是奎尼特想过的. 她演过电视剧, film and stage and as a young performer was concerned with being labeled as a problem or difficult to work with if she asked questions or expressed unease with certain situations. “You know, there’s always someone waiting to replace you,” Quinnett said.


坦尼娅·汤普森 美术硕士 他表示同意. She took an intimacy direction workshop at KCACTF in 2020 and says it’s a powerful tool. “这是戏剧对#MeToo运动的回应,”她说.


“你的工作就是做所有让你做的事,”她说. “Before this (intimacy direction) came out there was no mechanism to say ‘No, 这让我很不舒服.你会被贴上难以相处的标签. 这是一个漫长的过程.”

有亲密的方向, sexually-charged scenes will look hot and heavy to the audience but for the actor, the intimate moment is choreographed with such specificity that the personal part is removed. 每次排练开始时, 边界的练习 establish consent between the actors initiating and receiving the action and provide the actors with the agency to withdraw consent at any time. 鼓励经常签到. At the end of an intimate scene, the actors develop a closing moment to signify the end of the work.

“It allows the actors to understand the other’s comfort level,” Thompson said. “它变得像其他任何舞蹈一样.”


In 2018, intimacy direction officially made its way into U of I productions with “敞开的手罗伯特·凯斯利(Robert Caisley)著. Quinnett served as the intimacy coach for an under-the-covers bedroom scene. In 2019, she provided intimacy and fight direction for the cast of “溺水的欧菲莉亚作者:Rachel Luann Strayer.

这部剧讲述了虐待、强奸和性暴力. For Alexa Lamers, who played Ophelia, it was her first experience with intimacy direction.

“It was tough content from day one” Lamers, a double-major in 戏剧艺术 以及蒙大拿州卡利斯佩尔的小学教育.

“The intimacy direction opened my eyes to consent and setting boundaries,” Lamers. “我无法想象没有它就去参加这样的演出. 你需要知道每一点发生了什么.”

In rehearsals she would work with her scene partner to keep communication lines wide open. “我们会好好谈谈, asking how we could make each other feel safe and lift each other up,”她说。. “这类似于我们的街舞或打斗编舞.”


今年五月毕业于365滚球官网剧院远程项目, Elaine Daugherty’s graduate research has been focused on intimacy direction.

“It’s absurd that we would expect our actors to figure out fight choreography on their own,”她说。. “这没什么不同.”

She began exploring intimacy coaching at the Association for Theatre in Higher Education conference in 2018 at a workshop taught by 切尔西的速度. 在接受了更多的培训后,多尔蒂现在领导着讲习班. 作为中密歇根大学的戏剧教授, she brings it into her classrooms and she and Quinnett led a packed intimacy workshop at KCACTF.

In the past two years Daugherty has served as the intimacy director for several works, 包括《365体育滚球》和《365滚球官网》.” The intimacy coaching gave the actors grounding and confidence in difficult scenes.

“学生们非常感谢老师的支持和指导,多尔蒂说, “and knowing that there would be specific attention paid to difficult scenes made the students feel more comfortable.”

By setting boundaries and creating a physically and emotionally safe place for exploration, actors can experience the trust and vulnerability they must demonstrate in their roles.

“In charged, emotionally hard scenes, we have to be really careful,” Quinnett. “这项工作的另一个作用是让人停下来. It gives time to breathe and process and figure out a way to make a scene work.”

Ultimately, intimacy direction provides an empowering tool for actors. The structure and boundaries allow for deepened connections, said Quinnett.

多尔蒂说:“这绝对是一种需求. “一旦你接触到这种情况,你就回不去了.”




第6街和雷伯恩街的拐角处 营业厅- 2楼

莫斯科,ID 83844-2008



电子邮件: theatre@wolaipei.com

网络: 戏剧艺术系
